Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Belated self-editing

Received an SMS this morning about my last post. Reviewed it and decided that it sounded waaaay too harsh on someone, which was not my intention. I'm keeping the last post as it is, because that's the reason I'm keeping this blog - as a pseudo-journal, verbal snapshots of my life and thoughts - so there must have been some reason it came out the way it did. Struggling to sound coherent and intelligent at 5am might be one of them.

So to clarify: it was not meant to be a criticism on our choreographer, whom I hold in good esteem and genuinely like as a person. I do believe that he is trying his best in a restricted and restrictive environment. I am railing against that environment, which I foresee will result in an experience not too unlike BB last year. Actually I think the ensemble will play an even smaller part than last year, which is more saddening. The addition of many dancers is to increase the amount of movement in the show, but it appears that the movement will be limited to the dancers - THAT is the biggest source of frustration to me that I want to get out of my system.

There is another source of frustration that I cannot seem to put my finger on. Too much like BB? Too little progress? Rehearsals too repetitive? I really don't know right now. Maybe I'm just tired.

The segregation thing still stands though: I do think that he shouldn't create/widen the gap between the dancers and non-dancers.

I will take the advice on the latter part of the SMS and have a word with him.

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Blogger Bottie Bots said...

As you know, before reading your blog, i got word about it and advised you to remove that blog fearing that someone might use it against you. However, I take it back. Now, after reading it, I believe that you have every right to express yourself, and you did not do it without thought or with malice. What you wrote down were observations and reflections of your own experiences and many are based on truth. No one should feel hurt or insulted by this..

11:14 am  

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