Monday, January 21, 2008

KLPac Open Day

KLPac's come up with a great idea to really promote the arts in general and theatre in particular - having an Open Day! What that means is that they've gotten all current productions-in-progress to have a rehearsal on that day to have an open rehearsal so that anyone can just pop in to have a look-see. They've also gotten many people who've done something or another with KLPac to put up something or another: workshops, mini-shows, videos, photos. Check out the page on their site itself for more info!

In fact, it sounds so exciting and interesting I may end up spending the whole day there myself - Faridah's doing a reading of her upcoming play, Sybil. There are also vocal and instrumental shows going on, and dance classes of various forms. The Oral Stage will also be putting something up.

Uncut Untitled Paper House's rehearsal will be on from 1pm to 3pm, do pop in - we've decided to make it quite audience-friendly, with very open workshopping.

If you're on Facebook, check out KLPac's Facebook Group. Just noticed this - PDF file with the schedule of the day (as of 18th Jan; do check the page itself closer to the date for more accurate information) so you can plan your trip! Finally, a link to the map to the place.

See you there!



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