Thursday, February 15, 2007

Good good, feeling better

No giant kudzu. It's all good. Just wikipedia-d kudzu, it's actually quite pretty. I was thinking more of this, this and this. Of course, if you know it as a disaster card that can be played against a city, I want to meet you, fellow geek.

The title's a reference from the play I'm currently in. I'm a psychiatrist, in this case I'm consoling myself. In this case, I'm also recommending that you do not see a schizophrenic psychiatrist.

Anyway just wanted to share a hilarious quote from Marianne Williamson, who's quite the genius with her lines.

Some men know that a light touch of the tongue, running from a woman's toes to her ears, lingering in the softest way possible in various places in between, given often enough and sincerely enough, would add immeasurably to world peace.

Brilliant. I'm going to MPH to see if I can get any of her stuff now.


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