Friday, May 02, 2008

May, already?!?

Time flies. My 2008 just broke the sound barrier. My blog is like one of those pigeons that get sucked into jet turbines - okay it's not. It's been awhile, and there's so much to say that I don't know where to start. I owe you a whole load of shit, I know. So much has happened, so much is still happening.

In very short, acting career's going great. Getting lotsa work, lotsa exposure. Agel's kicking off again, and feeling fantastic. Lotsa new ideas coming in all the time, striving to get website grinding forward again and looking to make the card game really happen.

Behind it all, I'm shit scared. I'm worried. Income is not, deadline is. I owe a lot, and unless I work something out in these 2 months, I'm fucked. It's back to the 9 to 5 race, and that's one race I'm not interested in winning. I so dread the day that every time I thought of it in the past year, I dreamt of dramatic euthanasia - some spectacular way of saying "see what I was driven to"; a quickening of the slow, painful process. No, it's not a solution, but against the hard wall I'm facing, this hard wall that I've banged my head so many times against, nothing is enough.

But I'll find a way. I'll find my way.


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