Friday, July 20, 2007

Fishy Fots RIP

My fish is dead. Long live my fish.
After 7 months, my fighting fish (genus Betta splendens) has died. Possible cause of expiration of life is overfeeding, or the cardinal sin of gluttony - but I uphold his innocence, Your Highest Honour, for he apparently knows not when his hunger is sated. Yeah apparently he's quite dumbass in that he doesn't know when he's full so he'll just keep eating any food in sight. Interesting parallels to the world today, looking at the number of overweight and obese.

I underwent some agony in finding a suitable name - as a matter of course, anything I name must have a clever reason for it (no it doesn't always happen, if Pepsi, Tron and Fishy Fots are anything to go by) - and actually found one I liked. You see, it was a male Siamese fighting fish, that in the wild would live in paddy fields - so it had to be some kind of male warrior name, and Asian at that. Zhang Fei it was, but the name was far too big for my ickle fish (what, 5cm head to base of tail?) and I wasn't so sure about finding a suitable 'smaller' male Asian warrior name, so I stuck with "fish", "fishy" or, in a moment to alliterative genius, "fishy fots".

Farewell, matey. Sorry about the name.


Hooked on Robot Chicken - bloody funny stuff. Download it now! Only 10-minute clips, using manual animation (ie stop-start with physical toys) of action figures, dolls, play-dough and whatever else made up our childhood. Hilarious and random shit.

Poster and postcards for Tunku's up, will be posting it shortly. Just did a press conference today, went well (mostly, not counting 2 noticeable cock-ups). Rehearsals have ramped up, achieving more every day now. Ending's pretty awesome, very impactful. Saw the stage (Pentas 1) and set today, good to see it again.

Ask, and you shall receive

(Or Law of Attraction, or Law of the Seed, whichever takes your fancy.)

One day a couple of weeks ago, while showering, I look at my soap dish and think, "what are the chances of that getting knocked over and sending my soap straight into the toilet bowl?" I've been using this shower for nearly a decade now, with nary a such foolish thought.

A few days ago, while showering, I reach for the soap and proceed to whack the damn bloody soap dish off the ledge. Straight into the damn toilet bowl. Top half, bottom half, soap bar included. Sheesh.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no, poor fishy! Wasn't it just in Feb we bought the tank new foliage!!! Anyhoo, my last attempt at rearing fish went belly up too (har har!). Hmm, I'm not funny sometimes.

8:35 am  
Blogger Jo said...

Yes, you're absolutely right. That's the foliage that's the background to the pic. Anyway will be going back to that shop soonish to get meself a new one, with new flora (the old one also kinda died).

Interestingly, my fish didn't die belly-up. It just went into a permanent nose-dive. And really dirtied the fish bowl, like it was a blaze of glory or something.

10:35 am  
Blogger Bottie Bots said...

I am really sorry that fishy died... did you say a few goodbyes before the flush?

5:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry bout the fish, luvvy.

3:41 am  

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