Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Talking The Winner's Way

The full title of the book is actually Talking the Winner's Way: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Business and Personal Relationships.
I bought this book about 5 years ago, I think; and on a whim (for toilet reading, if you must know), I decided to flip through it again. It pulled me in instantly - I promptly finished it cover to cover again in a few days.

An incredibly easy read, full of little anecdotes and simple-to-remember guidelines, it's an excellent book for anyone who's interested in improving their communication skills. After all, without effective communication you can't get too much done - you're limited by your own constraints, be it physical or mental or time or whatever. It's also filled with ways to improve your leadership skills and general people skills (technically, that's all "communication" but whatever).

Highly recommended. I love books you can easily pick up for a quick glance and pick up a few useful things. Make shitting educational!



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