Monday, September 10, 2007

Your blog requires updating

Indeed it does. Man, I'm so glad for this current break that's ending tomorrow. Got to finally fix the bloody internet connection at home, and seriously spoil myself. Curries, spices, overstuffing food (coincidentally 2 family makans happened recently), cakes (3 from last night's dinner, 4 if you include kuih talam!), chocolates, coffee. Gah. Sin and sodomy. Ok no sodomy, just the sin of gluttony. And sloth. Caught up on some serious sleep and gaming.

I think things are starting to re-coalesce into some semblance of normality again, finally. Went for an audition, doing some reading, doing some writing. This coming week will knock things askew but at least it's just a week.


Tunku the Musical. The first run's over, with quite the muted bang of Gala Night on the 5th. A real shame the PM couldn't make it, I personally am disappointed though I suppose he'd have a headache thinking of the most politically correct reaction to the play. Apparently he went to visit Tun Dr M. And had a budget to sort out by the end of the week. No excuse, really.

Having Mel Gibson watch us made up for it a little (a lot for some). I feel sorry for him as he was reluctantly dragged onstage to congratulate the lead cast and musical director. Of course everybody loved him, or having him there - but who is he, really? Sure, he's a hotshot actor and director; but what value is there meeting him so briefly like this? Yeah yeah I'm mildly annoyed that I didn't get to shake hands with him too. Cow-ass-donkey-creature.

So one more week (YTL run, get tickets here), with 2 new challenges: a mild revision of some scenes, due to a slightly smaller cast (by 13, I think); and one day with 2 shows - Saturday 15th has a 3pm matinee and 8.30pm night show. Exciting, yes. Tiring, yes. Scary, kinda; because it's come close to the date where my schedule's looking kinda empty.

And there appeared the audition for Rose Rose I Love You. Held at Low Ngai Yuen's office (I think) at Sea Park (near Taman Bahagia), I went there rather poorly prepared (no resume, no new song). What helped was, upon opening the door, who do I see but Joe, Zach, Mir, Fariza and Pat. Shana, Wai Keat and Maria joined in soon after. It really helped in passing the time (1.5 hour wait). This house should be renamed Lesbian HQ. Alas, there goes my powers!

Every audition's a good experience lah. Went there, told a bit about myself and how I got involved with theatre. Got to read the part of an "effeminate tailor", which was quite different to the little character placard I was earlier working with which said "32-year old successful towkay with a large family womanizing in a club". Played up my gayest and campest side, but don't know how they felt about it. Then sang the first verse "What A Beautiful Morning" reasonably well, so that's pretty cool. Result? We'll see tomorrow.

What else is up for the rest of the year? A possible Christmas production. Going to audition for Aladdin, unless something good appears before then. Still waiting to hear if Remy needs more ensemble (what a crew and cast to work with!). Which reminds me - what's happening with The Amazing Race Asia 2? Oh bollocks, I just found this at the AXN website: If you don't hear from the producers by 6 July 2007, it means your team is not selected.

Shame, it'd be damned fun.

As an extension of my going to US idea, I'm seriously contemplating Singapore. Like a test run, go there for a few months, learn some dance, hook up with the arts scene, get into TV and on stage. Anyone know anyone in Singapore?


Wahey, 2nd issue of Asset Trader is out! I think I have 2 articles in it - I haven't got my copy yet (do I get one free?).

Interestingly, a random dude adds me on Facebook. After much usual screen of "Have we met before?", I find out that he writes for TELL magazine, which I hadn't heard of before this. I buy one copy, it looks interesting, and I'm waiting to hear about how to contribute. World works in funny ways, eh.

Mark came up with a very interesting, clever and far-reaching idea which has resulted in my cracking my head on a new 30-min script. I'm working on an idea suggested by Joe but as I've thought through it, it's getting quite scary. It's very "Mark" but it'd be a most interesting subject and probably, tale. If all works out to plan, it may be fleshed out on Pentas 2 or Actor's Studio BSC by Jan 2008. Crazy scary shit, but cool balls!


Board: Hooked on Puerto Rico, I wanna play it lots more. Only trouble is, each game lasts about 1.5h and knocks us out enough to not wanna play another immediately. Because it's reasonably complex, it does require some serious brainpower to play. That's partly why I love it - and also the fact that there are so many other combinations and factors I've yet to experiment with. I'm semi-off Catan now - kinda bored with it lah. Too much dice, not enough strategy. It's still a fun classic, just... there are more interesting games out there, you know?

PC: Hooked on Age of Empires 3 - recently bought myself the DVD game, together with the expansion The Warchiefs. Enjoying the campaign mode, it's reasonably entertaining. Interestingly you can buy PC games at 1U - there's a games (PC and console) shop on the 2nd floor (I think), at the bridge between the old wing and new wing. Also bought Supreme Commander, which is disappointing. Or maybe I just don't get it. Too large scale for my anal needs.

Books, Movies, Plays

Finished Death Of A Salesman (Arthur Miller), the classic play. Tough to get into at first, as it's quite American, but so sad in the end. I'll need to read it again to understand better the sequence of events as it's quite clever. Currently on Elie Wiesel's The Judges - so far so good. Excellent premise, can't wait to see how things run. Elie Wiesel wrote Night, which is a beautifully horrifying book - excellent stuff but oh so dark. Also semi-reading Confucius' The Analects and Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, both in one little pocket book by an Englishman. As interesting as both books are, it's challenging reading this dude's notes on translation and meaning. Ah well, maybe I'll discover the Cina within.

Finally watched V For Vendetta. Great stuff, thoroughly enjoyed it as well as the great visuals.

Saw 4:48 Psychosis and Bunga Manggar Bunga Raya. Wonderful wonderful wonderful (in any order). One's running in Pentas 2 till 16th Sept, the other just ended today. 4:48 had great actors, excellent script and kickass set - so psycho, so mindfuck, so good. Dark shit. I don't completely get everything, but then again I'm mostly sane.

BMBR is classic Five Arts (to me) - I don't really get everything but I absolutely love it. Good statement on Malaysia, and some parts were so heart-wrenching in its truth. I really believe I was meant to watch BMBR alone, today; all the stars aligned for me. Here is my tale: I leave my house at 2:45pm, and there's a jam up Bangsar Hill (roadworks on one lane). I enter the car park and spot an empty lot, but it'll take some time to get there; nevermind, it remains vacant for me. I rush to the box office, it is 3:05pm and I'm dying for a pee. Suresh offers me a student ticket that'll not be collected - wahey, 50% discount! I rush to the loo, rush back, and eventually seat my ass down. Only then the lights go down and the show starts. Ta muchly, Universe.


I've got myself meditating regularly now. Well, throughout Tunku - I kinda lazed out after, for a bit. 5-15mins, depending on how much earlier than 6pm I arrive at KLPac. Wonderful place to seek peace and serenity actually - the little docks really take you to another world, with still waters, rustling reeds, happy ducks and dozy winds. I downloaded some stuff from Silva Ultramind, which was free and really good - it's a 30min mp3 that has a rhythmic beat in the background (beating to alpha time, apparently... a slower pace than what we're used to in the city or something like that) with a dude talking you through relaxing your body and mind, and centering yourself. Love meditation - the peace and clarity that comes from it is better than drugs lah.

I've kinda restarted flossing regularly now. Every other night, well again until after Tunku , where I seem to have just flopped into a pile of lazy crap. Restarted because the last time I set out to do it, my floss kept on disappearing whenever I wanted it. Don't you hate it when people touch your stuff. But one anecdote shall spur me on - "Sure you don't have to floss. You just oughta floss the teeth you wanna keep."

Heh an great habit I've developed is regular exercise. Been doing a good pattern of warm-ups for Tunku - running up and down stairs, with some push-ups and sit-ups, and a good load of stretching. Outside of Tunku there's walking (running) the dog, runs and weights. A personal challenge I've set myself out to do (and it scares me to declare this but wtf) is to have a body that can be considered for the cover of Men's Health by the end of the year.

So far so good, making good progress but I really have to work my arms. Skinny buggers. I might need a 6-pack for a production next year but that's a story for another time.

Update complete. Click OK to restart.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Hell it's been a l-o-o-o-o-n-g time.

10:44 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11:27 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, it's been way too long. And your post sure did make up for it. There were games and I wasn't invited- Bah, I'm disappointed! And I can't believe you went for BRBM, it was SOLD OUT on sat. Should've took a chance and called you on Sun. Did I see Sg, I might be going next week actually, interested? Lastly, have fun with Tunku, it's the last stroll. Good luck with everything and see you soon :)

11:32 pm  
Blogger Bottie Bots said...

Yes, your arms have improved. I have noticed and therefore hard work is paying off and told you that-
Keep going !

12:13 pm  

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